Gas station manhole cover_manhole cover、gas staiton manhole cover、900mm Watertight manhole cover、on a Retail Petrol Forecourt、Fuel Station manhole Cover


This project has been delivered for several years, and the manhole cover is still playing its role very well and has been well received by customers.
BETTER COVER's Φ900 D400 gas station manhole cover is specially designed for the forecourt of gas stations. It has a reasonable structure and mature technology. It is a high-quality SMC composite manhole cover.

The quality and performance requirements of the manhole cover in the gas station, especially the load-bearing manhole cover under the driveway, are very strict.

First of all, the bearing capacity should be strong and the hardness should be high to withstand the rolling of various heavy trucks without fracture, so as to effectively avoid accidents caused by the falling of the manhole cover; With high sealing performance, the manhole cover is operated under the well cover to connect the oil pipe and pipeline equipment in the well. The waterproof manhole cover with good sealing performance can prevent rainwater from entering the manhole well and tank mouth area; In the oil and gas environment, the anti-static well cover must be used to prevent the occurrence of discharge and fire accidents caused by friction.

Only in this way can the operation cost be reduced. Therefore, the well cover of the gas station must adopt D400 series products with high strength, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, anti-static, high sealing and strong bearing capacity.


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